Descriptive Text

Fron Of My Home
Beside My Home


I live in Waru Street. it is a beutiful street where my house stood firm.The beauty of nature around my house is still awake. My house is situated in the village of West Waru, Waru sub district, district Pamekasan. Every morning in the house was cool, probably because in my village are still many trees grow green, I like my house.

My house is filled with a variety of diverse plants such as orchids, hibiscus, frangipani, cacti, and others. My house is south facing white wall with pillars pink. The floor using tiles with dark red and white fences of bamboo. On the west side of my house there is a neighbor's house, my grandmother's house, my cousin's house and a pile of sand, continue to the south or in front of the house there is a neighbor's house, on the east side there is my grandfather's garden where contained Banana tree, Papaya tree, Guava tree, and mango tree. After that the north side or rear of the house there is a house of my aunt. My aunt's house in the southern edges of Highway Waru, so my house quite close to the roadway of Waru. 

 My house has 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 musholah, 1 kitchen, 1 living room, 1 family room, 1 dining room. The first room in my house is the living room then, father’s room. After that we saw a room where Father, Mother, My older brother, my younger brother, and I get on together. The room can we call the family room. In addition there are 2 rooms, namely my room with my older brother, and mother's room with my younger brhoter. After the family room have a bathroom, dining room, kitchen, and musholah.

I was often in the family room, because that is where I used to do various things, like playing computer, learning, watching television, and sometimes sleep near the television.

The floors at home is always clean because every morning and afternoon on a broom. These plants thrive at home. In my home there is a tortoise that is located on the porch of the house in front musholah.

The varanda is the place where I usually put the pet, there is usually a family used to joke, come together in my spare time. I like my house, because I can do a lot of activity of, hanging out with family, joking, sharing experiences with my father, and my sister.